Sunday, April 8, 2012

Greetings from Lebanon!

Now we're here! After long flights and a short sleep last night we have started to familiarize ourselves to the Lebanese culture and most importantly the Al-Amal Institute. We started the day with a tour around the Institute's Winter Sweater Program. Unfortunately the "kids" where not present due to Eastern holidays, but we got to look at the facilities.
Hossam, Axel, Susa, and Aino at the Winter Sweater Program's facilities
Nassib el-Solh, leader of the Al-Amal Institute
After the visit to the Institute (and a short presentation both from us and people working with the institute) we traveled to take a look at an Ecovillage currently operational south of Beirut.
Ecovillage (read more from
Ecovillage had very nice energy solutions, basically they covered everything with solar heaters and micro hydro, the latter was capable to produce some 1250W.
Micro hydro (bar screen and surface regulator on top of a 10 meter drop)
Of course we had time to go to the beach, however small the beach was. That's it for this time. Hear from us  again, soon!
Aino and Susa in the water, Axel and Hossam are discussing the state of the world.

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