Saturday, February 4, 2012

Meeting on the 30th January 2012

We met on the 30th January at the Aalto University Design Factory Studio in order to proceed with our project plan. Our first aim was to think about the goals of our project; what is it all about and why are we doing this? We listed our first insights from last week and came to a common understanding about the meaning and objectives of our Rock Village project. The goals are to be defined during the way, but our keywords included phrases like sustainable energy, people with special needs and the importance of implementation phases and modularity.

We were also discussing about the main stakeholders of the project and our own role and ambitions. Who is the client? Who are we? Who are the other main stakeholders? And what are the needs and aims of these stakeholders? We identified as our main stakeholders the future inhabitants of Rock Village, deprived communities, NGOs (Al-Amal Institute for the disabled), ourselves, governments, donors and sponsors.

We came up with some important questions that we need to find out for our project plan. We were thinking about the site for the village; why has it been chosen and what does it mean for the planning? What is the estimated energy consumption of the village and how is it divided during the day? Who are the future inhabitants of the village, is there some special needs we should take into consideration? And more practical questions like can we read the Lebanese law in English somewhere online?

We decided to have a new meeting on the 31st January and finalize our project plan with more defined goals, stakeholders etc.

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